Peace Tax Return for the 2024 tax year

Step 1: Choose either Option A or Option B below, then click 'next' at the bottom.

Option A: Declaration of Conscience only
  • I am a conscientious objector to war and object to being forced to support war by the conscription of my taxes.
  • Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms I request that none of my taxes be used for war.
  • I support the creation of a government controlled Peace Fund for non-military peace-building purposes to which the military portion of my taxes can be diverted.
Option B: Declaration of Conscience and Withholding Part or All of Military Taxes
  • I am a conscientious objector to war and object to being forced to support war by the conscription of my taxes.
  • Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms I request that none of my taxes be used for war.
  • I support the creation of a government controlled Peace Fund for non-military peace-building purposes to which the military portion of my taxes can be diverted.
  • On grounds of conscience, and pending the creation of a government controlled Peace Fund, I am herewith:
  • Withholding 6.1%, the military portion of my net federal income taxes for year 2024


    Withholding a symbolic portion of the military share of my net federal taxes for 2024
    ($ amount)
